ABOUT Pacific City Church
At Pacific City Church we seek to integrate historic Christianity with a thoughtful approach to our faith today in Los Angeles. Our gatherings consist of singing, the reading of scripture, a teaching, and a time at the end of every gathering to respond to God. Our Sunday gatherings are essential for our spiritual formation as we seek life with Jesus together.
All are welcome to our Sunday services.
Our deep desire is to learn and practice the ways of Jesus, for the spiritual, social, and cultural renewal of the city.
We try to live intentionally toward seven values and celebrate:
GOSPEL - We value the good news of what God has done in Jesus.
IDENTITY - We value the journey to understand and develop a new God-given identity.
NEIGHBORHOODS - We value investing in the places we actually live and work.
COMMUNITY - We value working and being together through life-giving relationships.
MISSION - We value joining God in his work to bring renewal to the whole world.
PRESENCE - We value the reality of God’s power and presence in our community.
MATURITY – We value healthy ways of relating to ourselves, each other, and to God.
Los Angeles is a beautiful city full of life, excitement, and even a little complexity. We believe that looking to the scriptures is an essential way to navigate the complexities that we face at work, at home, and in our neighborhood.
Our teaching integrates biblical exegesis, cultural mindfulness, practical application, and personal formation so that we grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. We value the scriptures as the source and authority of our faith, and seek to understand what they mean for our time and place in modernity.
Pacific City Church offers different opportunities for you to Encounter God, Discover Community, and Love the World. Click on the links below to learn more about our different offerings.
Pacific City Church is affiliated with the Vineyard USA. Their sponsoring churches are Mile High Vineyard Church and Vineyard Columbus Church. The church is also supported and equipped by Cyclical LA, Association of Related Churches (ARC), and City to City Los Angeles.